- The 'Inferno Expansion' begins on 23rd May. The Space Wolves, Thousand Sons and Custodes join the game in a new major expansion. Check out the News!

- This event has passed.
Discord weeklong tournament
June 14, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - June 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
HHL Weeklong Tournament 14/06 – 21/06 19:00 UTC
Worst Warlords, Legendaries and Epics Appreciation Format
Conquest – Select 3 Warlords from the list provided in the Tournament’s challonge page, no more than 1 per faction. You must win with 2 of them to win the round. Warlords are to be put on the spreadsheet provided in Discord. The warlords from the new Expansion must only use Standard cards while the warlords from the first expansion must use Isstvan 3 cards and Galaxy in Flames cards.
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