- The 'Inferno Expansion' begins on 23rd May. The Space Wolves, Thousand Sons and Custodes join the game in a new major expansion. Check out the News!

- This event has passed.
3rd Tournament for New Players 21/08 – 31/08 19 UTC
August 21, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - August 31, 2023 @ 7:00 pm
General rules of conduct – Once the tournament starts or once you win a round or lose your round for the first time, you have 24 hours to contact your opponent to schedule a game, you then have at most 72 hours from the start of the tournament or from your previous victory/first loss to fight your next matches. For all other rules concerning the TO’s ruling and tournaments, check the messages pinned in the lobby thread over on the main discord.
Conquest – Players must win 2 matches with 2 different warlords from different factions to win the round. Warlords must be put in the sheet provided before the beginning of the tournament. You can use the warlord you lost with again, but you can not use it again if you win with it.
Standard – Isstvan 3 cards and Isstvan 5 cards for IH, Sallie and RG, cards only playable in Legacy mode, are banned.
New Players focus – Players who are level 50 or above can not use the warlords present in the last meta report and they can neither use legendaries nor include more than one copy of the same epic card in their decks (warlords excluded from both of these two last restrictions). All this on top of following the other rules. Players who are level 100 (those who have at least one skull near their name in the game) or more can not use epic cards and they can’t use legendary warlords on top of the restrictions concerning all players and level 50 or above players.
Sign up over on challonge to participate: https://challonge.com/it/xdzaxack and make sure to put all required information on the sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aJZRz3adubgqnhYVqGcq2e4AEleH17eYVc7sr32hdpA/edit?usp=sharing
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