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208th Weekly Tournament


Format: Best 2 of 3 matches; Conquest with announcing 3 Warlords, but for a win in a round you need only to win with 2 of them; Single Elimination. The tournament is going in Russian, so you may need to […]

August Week 2 Discord Tournament

Legions Discord channel

Isstvan III - Beginner Friendly features included! 2 warlords from 2 different factions Both warlords must be from same side - either loyalist or traitor Best 2 of 3 Matches, Single Elimination, Conquest (you must win with both of your […]

August Week 3 Discord Tournament

Legions Discord channel

Weekly - Week 3- 20.August.2022 UTC 1600 Green Tourney  Rules:   Conquest - Select 3 Warlords from different factions. You must win with 2 of them to win the round. Only green or common cards are allowed. Generated cards are […]

August Week 4 Discord Tournament

Legions Discord channel

"There can be only one"   Players are only allowed to control 1 troop of each type (vehicle, astartes, infantry, etc) AT ALL TIMES. Controlling troops with different types is allowed as long as each type only has 1 troop […]