October Meta Report


October season meta report

October’s ranked season is over and the statistics are in! Check back here monthly for the post-season roundup of High Terra (3500+) and Low Terra (2500-3500), and find out how your favourite warlord and legion fared in the galactic struggle for the future of the Imperium and humanity!

I have, since birth, been a staunch friend of death

Primarch Konrad Curze

Low Terra

World Eaters killing World Eaters: almost 30% of all games on Low Terra this season were World Eaters Legion mirror matches. World Eaters Warlords appeared in 21% of all games played on Low Terra: Angron (9.9% of all games), Ehrlen (7.1%), Kharn (3.1%), and Shabran Darr (1.2%) all in attendance with win rates from Kharn’s 51% to Shabran’s 53% to Angron and Ehrlen’s 58% each. 

Less popular albeit equally effective Legions included Konrad Curze and 1st Captain Sevatar of the Night Lords, appearing in 4.5% and 2.3% respectively of all games played, and with 58% win rates each; Alpharius (60% win rate in 4.1% of all games) and Exodus (58% in 2.7% of all games) of the Alpha Legion; Leman Russ (57% win rate in 2.4% of all games) and Bulveye Greybeard (59% in 2.1% of all games) of the Space Wolves; Ferrus Manus (53% in 2.4% of all games) and 1st Captain Gabriel Santar (56% in 1.8% of all games) of the Iron Hands.

Outside of these legion duos the top twenty most popular warlords in Low Terra also included Saul Tarvitz (56% in 2.7% of games), Artellus Numeon (62% in 2.7% of games), Arascid Nassau (53% in 2.5% of games), Raum (52% in 2.5% of games), Captured Mandragorax ( 55% in 2.1% of games), Durak Rask (57% in 2% of games), Lucretia Elunnirai (47% in 1.9% of games), and Corvus Corax (55% in 1.8% of games). 

But the Legions of Low Terra squabble beneath the gaze of Canis Vertex, towering at 71% though in only 1.5% of all games played. 

The only warlords on Low Terra who polled less than a 50% win rate were Horus, Ingethel, Lorgar, Forrix, Lucretia, Ahriman, Vettranio Shapura, Erebus, Sixx, Nemetor, Lotarra Sarrin, Marius Gage, Argel Tal, Phosis T’Kar, and Aeonid Thiel. 

High Terra

On High Terra the psychic horror unleashed by Magnus the Red of the Thousand Sons and Canis Vertex have begun to wane. Magnus the Red’s popularity nearly cut in half to 6.8% of all games played and a win rate that has dipped from 61% last season to 53% in October. 

Canis remains very potent with a 63% win rate down from 72%, and like Magnus has lost some popularity, going from 9% of all games played in September to 4% in October. 

In terms of sheer popularity, however, Angron returned in some force to High Terra in 9.1% of all games played and with a 53% win rate. He was followed by Alpharius (8.6%) with a 56% win rate, Konrad Curze (6.8%) with a 52% win rate, Bulveye Greybeard and Ehrlen (4.2% each) with a 53% win rate each, Arascid Nassau (3.5%) with a 54% win rate, Lucretia (3.3%) with a 46% win rate, and Saul Tarvitz (3.3%) with a 51% win rate.

The remaining top twenty most popular warlords on High Terra include Raum (3.2%) with a 47% win rate, Sevatar (2.9%) with a 54% win rate, Kharn (2.7%) with a 47% win rate, Ferrus Manus (2.3%) with a 46% win rate, Leman Russ (2.3%) with a 52% win rate, Exodus (2.1%) with a 55% win rate, Erebus (1.8%) with a 43% win rate, Santar (1.8%) with a 50% win rate, Numeon (1.6%) with a 56% win rate, and Amon Tauromachian (1.5%) with a 52% win rate. 

Like last season, every warlord in the game appeared in games on High Terra. Some more successfully than others. Almost half of the game’s warlords polled less than a 50% win rate, and together they appeared in 24% of games on High Terra. Ranging from 49% to 40% win rates included Calas Typhon, Malcharion, Raum, Corax, Perturabo, Mortarion, Kharn, Ferrus Manus, Lucretia, Ohthere Wyrdmake, Shabran Darr, Kelbor-Hal, Magistus Amon, Fulgrim, Ahriman, Ingethel, Erebus, Roboute Guilliman, Cassian Vaughn, Lotarra Sarrin, Garro, Horus, and Captured Mandragorax. 

Though only appearing in 3% of all games on High Terra, Narik Dregur, Lorgar, Vettranio Shapura, Marius Gage, Argel Tal, Abaddon, Forrix, Aeonid Thiel, Ingo Pech, Nemetor, and Agapito Nev scored less than 40% win rates.

Show some courage, paper-skin!

Primarch Angron

The Ruinous Powers are not pleased

The absence of Word Bearers warlords with win rates above 50% displeases the Ruinous Powers. A note in the melody of the warp has gone wrong. The Ruinstorm shrieks. Something is coming.

The Horus Heresy: Legions is available on Steam, iOS and Android.

Everguild Ltd. is an independent game studio operating from the UK and Spain, committed to making deep and polished games with a never-seen-before twist. Everguild is pushing the boundaries of the CCG genre on mobile, with its acclaimed first title, ‘Drakenlords: CCG Card Duels’, and the more recent ‘Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions’, based on Games Workshop®’s renowned setting, The Horus Heresy®, and ‘Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge‘, based on Games Workshop®’s, Warhammer 40,000. More information about Everguild can be found at

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