“The flame… extinguished.”
– Artellus Numeon
The Dropsite Massacre expansion is now fully released and all three new Legions have finally joined the battle. Despite the mid-month balance update toning down some of their more prominent cards, the Salamanders are still bringing too much heat to the battlefield. The Raven Guard and their ambush tactics have also proven to be a bit too effective, so we’re making some adjustments to their best performing warriors.

This month’s balance patch focuses on toning down newcomers Raven Guard, while further adjusting the Salamanders card pool. Check out all the changes below:
● Branne Nev: Change description to ‘After attacking an enemy troop, give it Sentenced 1 this turn’ (instead of any enemy)
● Champion Vorkyl: Lower damage from Ambush from 4 to 3
● Mordaris Squad: Lower Health from 4 to 3
● Vigilator Aajz: Lower Health from 5 to 4
● Sergeant Rhyke: Lower stats from 6/4 to 5/3
● Unseen Strike: Increase cost from 2 to 3
● Numeon: Change Sacrifice ability to ‘Give +1/+1 to adjacent troops.’ (instead of all your troops)
● Legionary Dha’lok: Lower Rally damage from 1-2 to 1
● Legionary O’Nadir: Lower passive damage from 2 to 1-2
● Ashblazed Javelin: Lower Attack from 4 to 3
● Guiding Light: Lower Health from 5 to 4
● Ancient Tuseok: Change description to ‘Rally: Draw a Vehicle from your deck and lower its cost by 1’ (instead of 2)
● Dragon’s Breath: Increase cost from 3 to 4
These changes are already in the game! Log in and conquer the battlefield to claim your rightful place as this month’s Warmaster!
The Horus Heresy: Legions is available on Steam, iOS and Android.
Everguild Ltd. is an independent game studio operating from the UK and Spain, committed to making deep and polished games with a never-seen-before twist. Everguild is pushing the boundaries of the CCG genre on mobile, with its acclaimed first title, ‘Drakenlords: CCG Card Duels’, and the more recent ‘Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions’, based on Games Workshop®’s renowned setting, The Horus Heresy®, and ‘Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge‘, based on Games Workshop®’s, Warhammer 40,000. More information about Everguild can be found at everguild.com/press
Games Workshop® Group PLC (LSE:GAW.L), based in Nottingham, UK, produces the best fantasy miniatures in the world. Games Workshop designs, manufactures, retails, and distributes its range of Warhammer®: Age of Sigmar® and Warhammer® 40,000® games, miniature soldiers, novels and model kits through more than 500 of its own stores (branded Games Workshop® or Warhammer®), the www.games-workshop.com web store and independent retail channels in more than 50 countries worldwide. More information about Games Workshop and its other, related, brands and product ranges (including its publishing division ‘Black Library’ and its special resin miniatures studio ‘Forge World’) can be found at www.games-workshop.com.
The Horus Heresy: Legions© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Drakenlords and Everguild are registered trademarks of Everguild Ltd. All rights reserved to their respective owners.