With fire and vengeance in their hearts, last month’s meta was marked by two clear winning factions from the last expansion. The Blackshields and, in a lesser measure, the Word Bearers, have swathed a bloody path in the ranked ladder. This is not a desirable state for the game’s meta, so this month we are focusing the changes on reining down the most oppressive cards from the new factions.
Following on last month’s changes to these factions, today’s update contains a short list of changes aimed at curtailing some of the most pressing cards from the Word Bearers and Blackshields. Check out all the changes below.
Word Bearers
- Daroth Iagath: Changed description to: “Rally: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy troop. Repeat this effect for each Offering you have” (instead of a random enemy).
- Grelloth Sky-hunters: Lowered attack from 3 to 2.
- Procurator Saeperath: Lowered Rally damage from 3 to 2.
- Destroyer Uurag and Gerasene Hosts: Toned down the random bonuses.
- Endryd Haar: Lowered Initiative from Medium to Low.
- Kitur Neferis: Lowered Initiative from High to Medium.
- The Murmur: Lowered attack from 7 to 6 and health from 6 to 5.
- True Flame: Increased cost from 4 to 5.
- Unknown Blackshield: Lowered Health from 5 to 4.
- Preying Marauders: Lowered attack from 5 to 4.
White Scars
- Skilled Rider: Changed description to: “Your Warlord gains ‘Battle Honour: Gains Blood Thirst this turn'”.
- First Master (Marius Gage’s Special card): Increased cost from 3 to 4.
- Preternatural Strategy: Increased cost from 5 to 6.
- Suzerain Tyvus: Lowered Health from 6 to 5.