The stars are our birthright.
Horus Lupercal, Warmaster
Join the celebration of 4 years of The Horus Heresy: Legions with a free gift for all players and new features to enjoy. The Heresy continues to unfold bigger and better than ever! This update brings new systems into the game for players from all levels of experience, including the Mentoring System, Premium Cards, Prestige Levels and Experience Boosts.
With these new features, we seek to give existing veterans further goals and targets to aspire to, whether by becoming Mentor, reaching the highest Prestige level or fighting to create a full Premium Card deck.
New players also have more options than ever to help them build up a powerful deck, with the aid of Mentors and being rewarded for hitting certain milestones, as well as Experience Boosts pushing them to higher levels and opening more crates.
The Mentoring System
After the update goes live, experienced players will be able to help newer recruits reach new heights with the new Mentoring System. Any player at level 25 or above is eligible to become a Mentor, and only players below level 25 can become Recruits. Each Mentor can have up to 3 players at a time as their Recruits.
Mentors will be able to gift gems to their Recruits to help them advance and give them tips to complete milestones in their exclusive chat window. When a Recruit reaches certain milestones the Mentor will earn a reward. After a Recruit reaches level 25 they will be able to ‘graduate’. This will complete the mentorship, and earn a reward for both recruit and mentor if they have been able to complete all the milestones.

Premium Cards
Every card receives a new Premium version to collect! Premium cards can either be found in crates, or crafted, and every faction has its own exclusive Premium Frame. To craft a Premium card, a player will need to own the maximum amount of collectable copies of its regular version. After that, they will be able to craft the card using gems in the detailed view of the card in the Collection screen.

Prestige Levels
With the 4th anniversary update we’re introducing a way for players who reached level 100 to reset back to level 1, earning them a special distinction in the form of a Prestige Level that shows in-game next to their names. After reseting back, they will be able to fight their way to earn another Prestige level upon reaching level 100 once again, earning them reward crates after every level.

Experience Boosts
Experience Boosts are the perfect way to earn prestige after the new update! This new type of reward increases the amount of Experience obtained for playing matches, for a limited duration. When receiving an Experience Boost, it will activate immediately and show its bonus and remaining duration in the main menu. Multiple Boosts can be active at the same time, and the bonus they provide will accumulate. For example, a player with two active Experience Boosts, providing a 100% bonus each, will receive a total of 200% more experience than normal.

A gift to the players
As a thank you for supporting Horus Heresy: Legions, we are giving out a special crate to everyone who logs in during the 4th Anniversary event. This crate will have 400 Gems in, a 100% Experience Boost that lasts for 24 hours, as well as 4 Premium Cards, one of which is guaranteed to be legendary.
This special crate will be available for every registered player from the 17th of March at 10am GMT, along with the introduction of Premium Cards and Experience Boosts into the game. Make sure to register your account and claim your free Anniversary crate before the promotion ends!

Join the community in the grand celebration of 4 years of The Horus Heresy: Legions! Become a member of the game’s Discord server and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to never miss anything about the game.
The Horus Heresy: Legions is available on Steam, iOS and Android.
Everguild Ltd. is an independent game studio operating from the UK and Spain, committed to making deep and polished games with a never-seen-before twist. Everguild is pushing the boundaries of the CCG genre on mobile, with its acclaimed first title, ‘Drakenlords: CCG Card Duels’, and the more recent ‘Warhammer The Horus Heresy: Legions’, based on Games Workshop®’s renowned setting, The Horus Heresy®, and ‘Warhammer 40,000: Warpforge‘, based on Games Workshop®’s, Warhammer 40,000. More information about Everguild can be found at
Games Workshop® Group PLC (LSE:GAW.L), based in Nottingham, UK, produces the best fantasy miniatures in the world. Games Workshop designs, manufactures, retails, and distributes its range of Warhammer®: Age of Sigmar® and Warhammer® 40,000® games, miniature soldiers, novels and model kits through more than 500 of its own stores (branded Games Workshop® or Warhammer®), the web store and independent retail channels in more than 50 countries worldwide. More information about Games Workshop and its other, related, brands and product ranges (including its publishing division ‘Black Library’ and its special resin miniatures studio ‘Forge World’) can be found at
The Horus Heresy: Legions© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2024. The Horus Heresy, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. Drakenlords and Everguild are registered trademarks of Everguild Ltd. All rights reserved to their respective owners.